Risk and Protective Factors of Suicide

Suicide is a public health crisis.

There are factors in our daily lives that protect against or increase the risk of suicide. Unconsciously, we are making decisions every day that effect the way we think and our own realities.

It is estimated that every 40 seconds, someone dies by suicide. In addition, 800,000 will die globally every year by suicide.

In the US, every 11 minutes someone dies by suicide, and it is the second leading cause of death among individuals aged 10-14 and 25-34. Completed suicide is most prevalent among males: 75% of suicide deaths occur in males. However, more females attempt suicide. It is estimated that 1.2 million suicide attempts occur in the US alone every year.

Life expectancy is decreasing partially by the contribution of premature deaths by suicide. Collectively, we can make efforts to help prevent suicide though.

Talking about suicide will NOT make someone more prone to attempt. That’s why if you are concerned about a family member or loved one, please ask them about whether they’re thinking of killing themselves. Listen to them without judgment and ask questions if appropriate. Assist them in finding help – including medical treatment, counseling, and support. Many who are considering suicide feel isolated and alone, and they may not reach out proactively for help.

In the US, the 988 lifeline is now active across the country. If someone is in crisis, please call this number.

Stigmatization of suicide (and mental illness) affects those who are struggling to seek and access help. If you are struggling, please remember you are not alone.

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World Mental Health Day


September is Suicide Awareness Month